1 January, 2022


1 Month


€ 10.985
Minimum WBAF Credits to be invested: 4,000 Credits

Smart Capital Programme
for entrepreneurs at the Acceleration Phase

Access to finance and access to market to create a traction for the start-up venture, developing personal skills
Profile of entrepreneurs:  Entrepreneur (1) has developed a demo (2) has developed an executive investor summary (3) has developed a pitch deck (4) wants to fundraise to scale-up his/her business (5) needs access to market and (6) wants to be an invested-start-up


  • Level: Investment level
    Title to be assigned: WBAF International Partner
    WIPA Business Card Title of the EIR accepted for the Programme: Founder / Co-founder of Start-up Venture
    Secretarial Service: Not provided
    Co-investor Agreement with the WBAF Angel Investment Fund: Yes

    Demo: Entrepreneurs have an executive investor summary and a pitch deck.
    Programme duration: 86 Hours + 4 Weeks Exhibition Booth + Global Fundraising Stage + Establishment of an EU company
    Strategic Team: (1) Strategic Advisory Board including a Business Mentor, a Business Coach and a Business Consultant (2) Non-Executive Board Members
    Price: 14.650 EUR x %25 Package Discount = 10.985 EUR
    Minimum WBAF Credits to be invested: 4,000 Credits

  • The programme objectives are to teach entrepreneurs about:
    • Avoiding the many pitfalls when raising fund from angel investors, private equity funds, family offices, wealth management institutions, private investors, co-investment funds
    • Understanding the basics of angel investing, including what makes the returns attractive for angel investors and the importance of portfolio theory for them
    • Learning best practices for structuring, managing and exiting an investable start-up venture, including company valuations and deal closing
    • Establishing a win-win relationship with the angel investor, and making a return
    • Developing all components of the investor deck and executive investor summary to position your start-up venture as an ‘investable company’ in the deal pipeline of angel investors and business angel networks
    • Undertaking due diligence on investors
    • Appreciating the value of angel groups and syndication, fund structures and crowdfunding
    • Understand your place in the world of angels, looking at other stakeholders in the start-up ecosystem.
    • Learning what angel investors are learning before they start investing in start-up ventures so you can fix your business plan, business model, pitch deck and executive investor summary in advance of presenting to them.

Certificate and ID Card

Entrepreneurs-in-Residence accepted for the WIPA Start-up Exchange Programmes are awarded a professional certificate featuring their proficiency level on global entrepreneurship and a personal WIPA Identity Card.

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Global Startup Investment Promotion Agency