1 January, 2022
1 Month
€ 10.985
Minimum WBAF Credits to be invested: 4,000 Credits
Access to finance and access to market to create a traction for the start-up venture, developing personal skills
Profile of entrepreneurs: Entrepreneur (1) has developed a demo (2) has developed an executive investor summary (3) has developed a pitch deck (4) wants to fundraise to scale-up his/her business (5) needs access to market and (6) wants to be an invested-start-up
Level: Investment level
Title to be assigned: WBAF International Partner
WIPA Business Card Title of the EIR accepted for the Programme: Founder / Co-founder of Start-up Venture
Email: @wbaforum.org
Secretarial Service: Not provided
Co-investor Agreement with the WBAF Angel Investment Fund: Yes
Demo: Entrepreneurs have an executive investor summary and a pitch deck.
Programme duration: 86 Hours + 4 Weeks Exhibition Booth + Global Fundraising Stage + Establishment of an EU company
Strategic Team: (1) Strategic Advisory Board including a Business Mentor, a Business Coach and a Business Consultant (2) Non-Executive Board Members
Price: 14.650 EUR x %25 Package Discount = 10.985 EUR
Minimum WBAF Credits to be invested: 4,000 Credits
Please note that programme fees are for one start-up team with two founders, not per-person. The third member of the team should pay 75% of the programme, the fourth member of the team should pay 50% of the programme. However, each team member should have an EIR ID Number. One-to-One Session means it is a session for the start-up team in one group.
Please note that programme fees are for one start-up team with two founders, not per-person. The third member of the team should pay 75% of the programme, the fourth member of the team should pay 50% of the programme. However, each team member should have an EIR ID Number. One-to-One Session means it is a session for the start-up team in one group.
Executive One-to-One Check-up Meetings with the Start-up Co-Founder
Meeting 1: 1 Hour Online – Week 4, Meeting 2: 1 Hour Online – Week 8
Executive Committee Members to join the meeting:
Step 0:
Entrepreneur should get an EIR ID Number Please note that only entrepreneurs with and EIR ID Number can move into the selection process.
Step 1: Complete the Application - All prospective EIRs will complete an on-line application form available at wbaforum.org or wipa.agency. A completed application provides the WIPA Selection Committee with a brief description of the applicant’s current business status, and a very preliminary sense of the applicant’s services, training and development needs.
Application Link:
Step 2: Short-listing of Candidates - Prospective candidates that complete Step 1 and are determined to be an eligible start-up founder or start-up venture, will be required to augment their application with a draft business plan. The plan should provide more in- depth information about the stage of business development, stature of the management team, market potential, and overall potential for success.
If the business description or business plan adequately addresses screening criteria pre-established by the Board, the Managing Director would review the applications and create a short-list of candidates to be accepted into the programme.
Step 3: Interview - The prospective EIR would present their business case to the Selection Committee of the Board, and the Managing Director. The committee’s role is to assist the Managing Director in understanding the business case and determining if the applicant should be approved for acceptance into the programme.
Step 4: Selection of Candidates - Based on the results of the interview, the Selection Committee will make a recommendation to the Board for the acceptance of the candidates into the programme.
The process will be underpinned by:
Entrepreneurs are accepted for the Start-up Exchange Programmes (WSEP) after a selection process including:
The Secretary General of WIPA organises all these assessment tools. The assessment process is designed to ensure that the entrepreneurs selected and accepted will benefit from the programmes at the maximum level. [If you are not selected, this means in our opinion, you will not benefit from the investment of your time and money in the Start-up Exchange Programmes.]
Entrepreneur-in-Residence Registration with a WEELT score
You should register yourself as an EIR to join the WIPA Start-up Exchange Programme. You need an EIR ID Number to complete your application form, which will be provided after completing your registration process as an EIR. Registration as an EIR and getting your EIR ID Number is a free process. However, you will need to include your WEELT Score (Entrepreneurship English Language Test Score) to complete your registration process. After you have your WEELT Score, please send your WEELT Score by an email to Christina Mc Gimpsey who will provide your application link for becoming a WIPA EIR.
2 simple steps
Supply your WEELT Score by sending it to Christina
Register to get your EIR ID number (no charge)
WEELT - Entrepreneurship English Language Test: https://wbaf.school/WEELT-EXAM
Christina Mc Gimpsey - Secretary General, World Business Angels Investment Forum
Email: Christina.McGimpsey@wbaforum.org
Phase Identification Interview
Candidates for all programmes undergo a [formal] interview. After completing the online application, entrepreneurs will participate in an online interview with the selection committee members who will identify the phase level of entrepreneur as one of the following; Pre-incubation, Incubation, Acceleration or Co-working. During the interview the applicant must map their vision with defined goals and objectives, and together with the Selection Committee Members, perform an analysis to identify the gaps between their current status and their vision for the future direction of the business.
Entrepreneurship Psychometric Assessment Test:
The Selection Committee identifies the necessary skills and entrepreneurial characteristics needed to start a new venture. The assessment analyses 14 key dimensions of personality, motivations, skills, and experiences required to be successful as an entrepreneur. Completion of this test is a must for all Pre-incubation candidates.
Investor Pitch
Selection Committee listens to 5 minutes pitches from all entrepreneurs who are at the Acceleration Level with a Q&A session.
Selection Process and Criteria
There are three separate selection and acceptance processes:
Selection Committee 1: WIPA Start-up Exchange Programmes (WSEP)
Acceptance Committee 1: Co-working Programme
Acceptance Committee 2: Global Fundraising Stage
Selection for the WIPA Start-up Exchange Programmes (WSEP):
The objective is to identify the best founders of early stage ventures that have the potential for high growth and access to [equity funding][finance] by the end of the Start-up Exchange Programme, or shortly thereafter. WIPA uses a nine-step process to identify the best candidates, starting with intense press coverage and marketing to announce the start of the admission process.
Step 0: Entrepreneur should get an EIR ID Number Please note that only entrepreneurs with and EIR ID Number can move into the selection process.
Step 1: An online application via www.wbaforum.org and www.wipa.agency
Step 2: Phase Identification Interview
Step 3: Entrepreneurship Assessment Test – for Phase 1 only (pre-incubation programme)
Step 4: Investor Pitch – for Phase 2 and Phase 3 only (incubation and acceleration programmes)
Step 5: Selection of candidates
Step 6: Proposing selected candidates to approval of the board
Step 7: EIR receives Letter of Acceptance
Step 8: EIR completes the registration process
The basic evaluation criteria to be used by the Selection Committee are:
Once accepted, Founders and their teams will be required to sign a binding agreement which details:
Procedures to Monitor Progress During Programme Participation
The lobal Start-up Investment Promotion Agency (WIPA) has well-defined criteria for entrepreneurs graduating from the Start-up Exchange Programmes. An entrepreneur, start-up venture or SME would have been deemed to have graduated if he/she has:
Additionally, participants of the Smart Money and Smart Capital Programmes need to have
Pre-Incubation and Acceleration
An entrepreneur or start-up venture will have an early exit from the programme if one or more of the following occurs
Procedures to Monitor Progress After Programme Participation
In order to gauge WIPA’s effectiveness over time, it will be important to continue to gather data on the performance of graduated entrepreneurs and companies to assess the longer-term impacts of the platform’s activities in terms of graduates’ revenue and profit performance, new job creation, tax revenues earned by the government as well as multiplier effects. WIPA will also gauge other indirect effects, such as possible opportunities for graduated Founders to provide peer mentoring support to EIRs, and contribute as guest speakers in the educational programme, meetups and other events.
Founders Alumni Network: The WIPA Alumni Network is a network of graduates or, more broadly, of former participants of the Startup-Exchange Prof-grammes (alumni). The Network often organizes social events, publishes newsletters or magazines, and raises funds for the start-ups of the WIPA. It provides a variety of benefits and services that help alumni maintain connections to the WIPA and fellow graduates. At the WIPA, all graduates of the programmes automatically become members of the WIPA Alumni Network and will be entitled to enjoy its privileges. One of the main purposes of the alumni network is to support a network of programme graduates who will, in turn, help raise the profile of the Agency. It aims to bring together like-minded individuals.
Homecoming: We hope to make homecoming an annual tradition at the WIPA. Graduates, participants, global partners, lecturers, entrepreneurs, mentors, coaches, advisors and angel investors will come together in late September or early October to welcome back former graduates of the WIPA Start-up Exchange Programmes. It will be built around a central event, such as a roundtable, workshop, open forum or study trip for participants and alumni.
Fund Investor: The WBAF Angel Investment Fund is designed to capitalise on the worldwide growth in entrepreneurial activity and venture financing for start-ups and scale-ups and to benefit from WBAF’s extensive network of global investors, including angel investors, private equity funds, co-investment platforms, wealth management institutions, family offices, VCs and acceleration centres. Members of the WIPA Alumni Network can join the Fund as an angel investor if they hold QBAC+ ID Card.
Ventures that are accepted into the WIPA Start-up Exchange Programmes (WSEP) will enjoy improved success rates as they are nurtured through the early stages of enterprise development. Specific benefits include a better appreciation on the part of Founders of how prepared the business needs to be to attract investment capital. The programmes will help entrepreneurs understand what funding is appropriate for their business, considering the specific personal and business ambitions and the current stage of development and growth of the business. They will also better appreciate how developed the business needs to be in relation to customer engagement and market validation.
From the perspective of entrepreneurs / founders of early and growth-stage companies, there are several reasons why they would want to participate in an incubation, acceleration or, co-working programme at the WIPA.
For WBAF’s global partners in particular, WIPA will provide enhanced deal flow as well as other potential benefits such as:
Entrepreneurs-in-Residence accepted for the WIPA Start-up Exchange Programmes are awarded a professional certificate featuring their proficiency level on global entrepreneurship and a personal WIPA Identity Card.